Why do you want to invest? You can think of thousands of reasons, but in the end, it's just to make money. Even if you are worth over 100 million, you will never have too much money. You have seen too much talk on paper, and I have treated too many frightened birds. The huge profits in the market always make people yearn for it, but the fact is that when trading in cryptocurrencies, the account is as red as firecrackers. Madness often makes people downplay risks, and caution often misses opportunities. There are only two types of people in the market who find it difficult to make profits continuously, one is the hot-headed, and the other is the overly cautious.

Nowadays, cryptocurrency investment is favored by countless investors, but many investors leave the market with losses. So how can we move forward steadily in this market where high returns are accompanied by high risks?

Summarize carefully afterwards to avoid making mistakes knowingly

After each transaction, we should sum up the experience and lessons. This is not just talk. Some investors don't care about anything when they lose money. They don't care about anything when they lose money. Especially for those old problems that appear again and again, we should pay more attention to them. For example, some investors always like to chase the rise. When they see the price rise, they think it is a reversal market, and they are afraid of missing a round of rising market. As a result, they chase the rise repeatedly and get trapped repeatedly; some friends are always afraid of being trapped. When they see the market falling, they think it will enter a downward trend, and they immediately sell at a loss. As a result, the market rises as soon as they sell, as if the market is monitoring their every move.

Therefore, we should learn lessons more. Once the same market situation occurs again, we should first remind ourselves whether we will make the same mistake again this time, and then make market analysis and judgment.

Reference analysis, to understand the time

Nowadays, many investors are complacent about obtaining analysis and comments from large institutions, and even feel that they are treasures. In fact, in many cases, the analysis and comments of these large institutions are timely, especially in short-term comments. This is like taking the analysis of an institution in 2017 as a guide to participate in today's transactions, and the result is predictable.

Some investors often do not pay attention to this when obtaining information. At night, they hear on the radio or TV that a large institution predicts that there is a possibility of an increase. They see that the price of the currency may have an upward trend and immediately jump into the market without thinking. As a result, the price of the currency does not rise but falls, which makes them feel frustrated. After thinking about it carefully, they realize that this comment is just a prediction of the market in the morning, or even the prediction content of last night.

The order is not going well, take a break

There is no general who always wins in the market. No one can always make the right judgment on the market trend. Under normal circumstances, one or two mistakes will not have much impact. However, if you make mistakes one after another, it is likely that you have lost your ability to grasp the market. Taking a break should be the best choice at this time.

Market fluctuations never stop. Don't worry about not having the opportunity to recover losses. You can never make enough money in the investment market. If you insist on doing it at this time and refuse to stop in order to make up for the losses, you may suffer greater losses. Because at this time, your mindset is already chaotic and you have lost the ability to observe the market calmly. As the saying goes, those who are involved are confused, while those who are on the sidelines can see clearly. Stepping back and re-examining the changes in the market is the best choice to gain the ability to judge market trends.

Technical charts are for reference only and cannot be trusted

Technical charts are records of the historical trend of the currency price. Many graphic investors believe that history will repeat itself. It is true that the rise and fall of the currency price will inevitably repeat itself, and the market trend always moves forward in fluctuations. Graphic analysis can give certain indications of the future trend of the currency price, but investors should know that it is the market, not the technical charts, that determines the trend of the currency price. Traders all over the world are watching almost the same graphics. If all of them trade according to the instructions of the charts, I am afraid that the currency market graph will only have a straight line. Therefore, we can rely on technical charts when conducting market analysis, but we cannot rely on technical charts.

Economic data, focus

Almost every trading day, countries publish a series of economic data, and these data reflect different issues. Investors who are new to the cryptocurrency circle often find it difficult to start with the numerous data factors. In fact, the market has a focus in each period, and only by following the focus of the market can we find the data content that has the greatest impact on the market.

As a weak player in the market, there is no need to analyze the possibility of good or bad data. There are many economists around the world who study such issues every day, which is enough for us to use. What we need to do is to analyze the possible impact of the data results on the market trend, and use this to judge the changes in market mentality based on the real impact of the data results on the market. Only by grasping the changes in market mentality rather than changes in economic data can we be invincible in the market fluctuations. #币安合约锦标赛