OP is priced at $1.77, so you can consider entering a position in Buju.

This variety is also suitable for the medium and long term. If the price falls back to $1.67, you can consider covering your position in this price range.

After falling back from the high point on March 6, OP has not yet broken out again. Therefore, we can establish a position at the current position and wait for a possible rise.

The first upper resistance level is around $2.23, which is also the area where the chips first gathered above.

Once this position is effectively broken, there is a great chance to hit the previous high of about $2.89 again.

From the technical indicators at the daily level, MACD shows the first sign of a golden cross below the zero axis, and forms a golden cross resonance with the hourly level.

In addition, the SKDJ indicator at the daily level also shows a trend of turning upward on both lines. These technical indicators show potential rising signals, supporting the view that OP prices may rise further.