
The market is stagnant, and the SEC is also delaying the announcement. Some KOLs on Twitter are posting pornographic pictures every day to gain traffic, as if we have returned to last year's market. However, the price of Bitcoin is 2.5 times that of last year. The average price of new coins on Binance, which performed strongly last quarter, has fallen by 2 times. There are two main reasons:

1. The platform's excessive issuance of coins has caused the market, which originally had little traffic, to dry up, and many altcoins have no one trading;

2. The number of investors is decreasing: funds are not flowing into the market again. This inflow and outflow has led to a change in the supply and demand relationship, and the high market value of the new currency is difficult to maintain, so it has naturally continued to fall.

In this market, the coins with strong hype and strong attention from investors can outperform the market. Today, I will share the simplest strength comparison method to help determine future rise and fall expectations. Strength comparison method: Bitcoin (bread) is the vane of cryptocurrency speculation, but many mainstream coins rise more when Bitcoin rises and fall less when Bitcoin falls. Such coins are our long targets. On the contrary, those coins with smaller gains and larger declines are our short targets.


1. Observe market trends: First, observe the trend of Bitcoin to determine the overall trend of the market.

2. Choose long positions: Find those in the XX/BTC trading pair that exceed Bitcoin when Bitcoin rises. These often have large subsequent gains.

3. Choose short positions: Find those coins that perform more weakly when Bitcoin falls. These coins usually have larger declines in a bear market.

Through this strength comparison method, you can more accurately judge the buying and selling timing of mainstream currencies, thereby obtaining better returns in market fluctuations. Remember, the key is to observe market trends and the relative performance of currencies, and flexibly adjust operating strategies to remain invincible in the unpredictable market.


Market analysis:


Yesterday, the market did not rebound as expected, but fell as usual. The weekend market is still mainly sideways. Although the hourly level is M-shaped, the recent rebound is still expected to be 64,500;



Yesterday, it broke through 3500 but failed to start retreating to around 3388, but the overall trend is still in the hourly central segment. It is likely to continue to move upwards and leave the segment today and tomorrow.



The altcoin market was brought down again yesterday. It still depends on the rotation of funds. The dealer dare not move at this time because it is difficult to form a collective pull-up phenomenon without large funds entering the market. However, the altcoin/BTC index is a resistance level at 0.19, and it is likely to continue to break upward;


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