I have a neighbor named Zhang, who is a programmer at Huawei. He has good skills and a good temper, and lives an ordinary life. One day, he became fascinated by Bitcoin, and his life has been like a cheat since then.

#### The counterattack begins

Mr. Zhang was usually very busy working overtime, but late one night, he accidentally heard about Bitcoin. With the mentality of "giving it a try", he invested his year-end bonus in it. Unexpectedly, Bitcoin soared like a rocket, and Mr. Zhang's account instantly increased several times. In just a few months, his assets reached 23 million!

After quitting his high-paying job, Lao Zhang devoted himself to the cryptocurrency world and became the "cryptocurrency master" in the community. Even the aunties in the community began to ask him for investment tips. Lao Zhang was full of energy and felt that his life was about to take off.

#### love story

At a luxurious gathering in the cryptocurrency circle, Lao Zhang met the beautiful and wealthy Xiao Li. Xiao Li was not only beautiful, but also proficient in investment. Lao Zhang won Xiao Li's heart with his 23 million investment story, and the two quickly fell in love. In order to prove his strength, Lao Zhang spent a lot of money and held a wedding of the century. The wedding was extremely luxurious, and people from the entire community were invited. Everyone was amazed at Lao Zhang's life counterattack.

After marriage, Lao Zhang and Xiao Li lived a dream life: luxury cars, luxury houses, global travel, and every day was like a day in an idol drama. Lao Zhang felt that he had finally reached the pinnacle of his life.

#### The beginning of a shattered dream

However, the risks in the cryptocurrency world always come quietly. One day, the market suddenly collapsed, and Lao Zhang's assets shrank by more than half overnight. He was unwilling to accept this, so he decided to increase leverage, hoping to make a profit overnight. As a result, he lost more and more money and his debts became higher and higher.

Debt spread like a virus. Mr. Zhang had to sell his luxury car, mortgage his luxury house, and even ran out of money to buy instant noodles. Xiaoli obviously couldn't stand this huge change and filed for divorce. Mr. Zhang watched Xiaoli take away the remaining property, and he became penniless.

#### Return to the Ordinary

After the divorce, Zhang had to move back to his original small apartment, find a new job as a programmer, and return to his ordinary life. Every day, he took a walk in the community park, talked with the elderly about health preservation and square dancing, and never mentioned Bitcoin or investment again.

Lao Zhang's story has become a hot topic in the community. From a programmer to a billionaire in the cryptocurrency circle, to bankruptcy and divorce, Lao Zhang's life has been like a roller coaster. Every time someone mentions his past, he always smiles and says, "Isn't this life? Who would have thought that a coder like me could experience so many ups and downs."

This is Lao Zhang's magical three years: from a Huawei programmer to a cryptocurrency expert, and then to bankruptcy and divorce, his life has been like a roller coaster of ups and downs. He tells us from his own experience that we need to be cautious in investing, and happiness depends on a stable life. Lao Zhang has regained his love for life, continues to type code, and lives an ordinary but fulfilling life.

### Postscript

One day, I met Lao Zhang, who was playing chess with some old friends in the park. Seeing his calm expression, I couldn't help but ask, "Lao Zhang, have you ever regretted it?"

Lao Zhang smiled and said, "Of course I regret it! But if this experience was turned into a script, it would have won a big award."

We all laughed, and Lao Zhang's smile became more open-minded. Although he went from being a wealthy man to an ordinary person, this fantastic experience gave him a new understanding of life. Now, although he is no longer rich, he lives a stable and comfortable life and has become the most interesting person in the community.

Lao Zhang's fantastic three years tell us with humor and lessons: Life is like the cryptocurrency world, with ups and downs, but stable happiness is real.

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