How do you view people who achieve financial freedom through Bitcoin?

A colleague bought hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoin a few years ago, and then quit his job last year because of financial freedom. Since he quit his job, it is estimated that his money has increased tenfold, and now he may be worth hundreds of millions.

What do you think?




Others have this vision and can hold on.

In fact, think about it, there have been several opportunities for financial freedom.

There were two bull markets in 2008 and 2015, and there was also a house.

Why can't I seize it? What's the point of working hard? Aren't you still a rat in the rat race?

Improve yourself in all aspects and find an opportunity for financial freedom.

For example, two people who work equally hard, one in LeTV and the other in Tencent, have a huge gap. Their abilities may be the same, but the difference is in choice. So you can't just bow your head and pull the cart, but also look up and see the road.

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