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As the U.S. election approaches, the first televised debate between the two candidates, Biden and Trump, has come to an end. According to the latest data, after this fierce debate, Trump’s probability of winning the election has increased significantly in the prediction market, reaching an astonishing 65%. This number has undoubtedly set a new historical record. At the same time, Biden's probability of winning has dropped to 28%, and Trump's lead has become increasingly obvious. During the debate, Trump made it clear that once he wins the election, he will prioritize resolving the issue of the Russia-Ukraine war and strive to bring an end to the conflict in this region.

Analysts pointed out that this TV debate had a profound impact on the election of the two candidates. Trump’s tough stance and clear policy direction have clearly won the support of more voters. Biden's performance in the debate seems to have failed to effectively increase his approval rating, but instead lost points on some key issues.

Trump’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine war has also attracted widespread attention from the international community. His commitment not only demonstrates the focus of his foreign policy, but may also bring about a turn in this long-standing conflict. However, how to realize this promise will be a major challenge for Trump.

Overall, this TV debate became a turning point in Trump's election. His approval rating increased significantly as a result, and Biden needs to re-examine his campaign strategy in response to the upcoming general election. Voters are also full of expectations and concerns about whether Trump can fulfill his promise to end the Russia-Ukraine war.

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