Recently, I received many private messages from fans who said that they encountered serious problems when trying to withdraw money from the gate platform. The gate official used various false reasons to hinder fans' withdrawal requests, which caused great dissatisfaction among the majority of users. Some fans pointed out that the get platform used the tokens recharged by fans to maliciously smash the market on other exchanges to achieve specific market purposes.

Some fans reported that when they tried to withdraw coins when the project price was high, the gate platform would suddenly block their withdrawal requests for various reasons, such as account risks. To solve this problem, the gate platform will require users to sign the so-called "anti-money laundering agreement", and this process may last for several days, causing users' tokens to be frozen during this period.

Once the gate platform has accumulated a sufficient number of tokens, they will transfer them to other exchanges for smashing when they are high, thereby causing an impact on the market. After that, they will release these tokens to users when they are low, which will undoubtedly cause great damage to the interests of users.

In response to this phenomenon, we call on the majority of fans to remain vigilant and it is best to withdraw the coins in the account first.