@Everyone, please pay attention!!!

Gate broke the news!!! The leeks shouted: It's too ugly to eat!!!

All users should pay attention to risk control.

Recently, many fans reported that they encountered difficulties when trying to withdraw money from the Get platform, and the Get official rejected the withdrawal request for various false reasons.

They were accused of using the funds that users deposited on the platform to maliciously sell on other exchanges, and then unlocking the user's account when the price was lower.

Sometimes, when the price of certain projects is high, users try to withdraw money from Gate, but they will be frozen. Gate claims that the account is at risk and requires users to sign an anti-money laundering agreement.

This process may last for several days, during which the user's funds will be frozen. Once a certain amount is accumulated, they may transfer the funds to other exchanges for selling at a high price, and then release them to users at a low price.

Then let's recall, have the leeks cut by the gate exchange violated the law less in recent years?

According to the official Weibo of Phoenix Blockchain, gate has been suspected of illegal operation, defrauding investors, manipulating currency prices, etc. since its establishment and operation in 2013.

In November 2013, the gate exchange launched the altcoin cent, which caused a large amount of financial losses to investors due to the platform's data fraud, and the platform's customer service was missing. In July 2014, the gate exchange crowdfunded bitcoins for the altcoin crypto and managed the crowdfunded funds, but the gate exchange and the project party operated in secret and colluded with each other, resulting in user losses. In November 2014, Bitbay was involved in the gate ICO scandal, and in February 2015, the gate exchange was hacked and 7,170 BTC were stolen, and users questioned whether it was a thief.

In April 2021, the gate exchange issued platform coins to stimulate users to join the IEO war and allow users to obtain rewards for the platform coin "GT" through pyramid schemes. According to Phoenix.com, the gate exchange is still a Bitcoin exchange under the jurisdiction of China, and gate has violated the "Announcement on Preventing the Risks of Token Issuance and Financing" jointly issued by the central bank and seven other ministries and commissions.