🎉🎉Good news is coming! Odaily Planet Daily reported that the Ethereum L2 network Mint, which focuses on NFT, has announced that it will officially launch the public mainnet on July 1! 🚀🚀

This news is undoubtedly a boost for our Bitcoin optimists💪. After all, this means that the scalability of the Ethereum network will be further improved, and the NFT market will also usher in more opportunities and possibilities.

But at the same time, we must keep a cool head and look at this market rationally. Although the launch of the Ethereum L2 network Mint has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the entire cryptocurrency market, market risks still exist.

So, let us look forward to the launch of Mint together, and at the same time, we must also do a good job of risk prevention and steady investment. Let us witness the development and change of the blockchain industry together! 🎊🎊