In order to prevent the damage of black money to the cryptocurrency circle, Xia Sen collected some OTC questions from fans and presented them to you in a simple and easy-to-read question-and-answer format. This article contains all the basic knowledge of OTC and is worth savoring. It is a tragedy that we fought to the last level and lost on the issue of withdrawal!

Q: Will I be questioned if I withdraw a large amount of 50,000 yuan?

Answer: The problems encountered in withdrawing funds can be divided into two types, public security freezing and bank risk control. If the money you receive is white money, the public security will not freeze your card with one click in the background, let alone inquiries. Then only the bank will inquire. Do you know how many transaction transfers occur in the country in a year? Only when the bank's big data risk control system is triggered, it is possible that the bank will call you to inquire. Normal triggering bank risk control behaviors include: multiple in and one out, one in and multiple out, frequent transfers in and out, nighttime in and out, multiple transfer counterparties, etc. Usually, you only need to inform the bank that you are using it normally. The bank is not a public security agency and has no right to conduct in-depth investigations into your personal privacy information. Our team remits hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in one transaction. So far, very few customers have reported being inquired by the bank, which can be almost ignored.

Q: Is it safer to make multiple small withdrawals?

Answer: The black money is not divided into large and small amounts. Five hundred, fifty thousand, and five million will all be frozen. Repeated transactions will only increase the probability of you receiving black money. It is usually recommended to plan the funds needed for a certain period of time, choose a safe acceptor to withdraw all in one go, and reduce the frequency of withdrawals.

Q: Are offline cash transactions safe?

Answer: Airplanes are recognized as the safest means of transportation, but they also have the highest mortality rate after an airplane accident. This analogy should help you understand the essence of the issue. Of course, I have a safe and reliable cash channel.

Q: Should I immediately pay off my credit card, purchase financial products, and transfer my securities account to buy stocks after I get out of debt?

Answer: This operation is an act of not having confidence in the money you just withdrawn. First of all, credit cards are the same as bank cards, and can be used directly to withdraw money, but the credit card will be frozen if it receives black money, but the money in the credit card belongs to the bank, not you. If the funds are black, there will still be sequelae and other problems. Your card was frozen after purchasing financial management. How can I withdraw the money in the financial management? After the card is frozen, there is no money on the card, and you may still be visited and put on the list of online fraud. If there is a problem with the money transferred to the securities account, the bank card will still be frozen, and there will still be sequelae. The police can also freeze your securities account, but it is not as convenient as the one-click freezing of the bank card. So in my opinion, this series of operations are useless. Not accepting black money is the root of everything. No matter how you operate after receiving black money, it is sometimes futile.

Q: Will it be safer to use WeChat or Alipay?

Answer: There is absolutely no difference between WeChat, Alipay and bank cards. They can all be frozen. Moreover, the risk control of WeChat and Alipay is even more abnormal. Their big data risk control is stricter than that of banks. Our team has always used bank card transactions and never used WeChat or Alipay.

Q: Which exchange is safer for withdrawing funds?

A: In my opinion, there is no difference between Binance and EUR. When withdrawing funds, you just use the exchange platform to choose the merchant. In essence, it is a C2C transaction between you and the merchant. Whether the funds are safe or not depends entirely on your counterparty. Many merchants are merchants on both exchanges at the same time. Whether you are using Binance or EUR, you will receive the same amount of money in his card. However, all other small exchanges can be excluded. Their own platform risk control cannot be compared with Binance and EUR. In addition, the risks of small exchanges are infinite, and there are problems such as retrieving information later.

Question: What should I do if my bank card is frozen by the public security department, by the bank’s risk control department, or by an off-counter service provider?

Answer: After the bank card is frozen, please check my other article "Detailed explanation of OTC frozen cards in one article (Essence Edition)", Weibo name: Fu Lu Shou OTC Gong Xi Fa Cai. It is usually recommended to cancel the account after being frozen and unfrozen. You can continue to use it after the bank's risk control is lifted, but you must pay attention to how you use it. Cards that have been risk-controlled are more likely to trigger the bank's risk control system. It is now very difficult to unblock a card that has been blocked. Banks usually ask you to cancel your account, but there are also cases where you can successfully cancel the counter. It depends on how you handle it.

Q: Can I use a card that I rarely use to withdraw funds? Do I need to apply for a new card to withdraw funds?

A: If the card is not idle for a long time, it can be used to withdraw money. The card may be dormant. For cards that are rarely used, as long as the funds received are safe, there will be no problem. Just do not do anything that easily triggers the bank's risk control. If you already have a card, there is no need to apply for a new card. The new card does not seem to be as good as the old one. Even if you apply for a new card, the big banks in the financial centers of big cities are relatively better than the small banks in small places.

Q: How long does it take to prove that the money is absolutely safe in the card after withdrawal?

A: There is no such thing as absolute safety of funds in the cryptocurrency circle. There is always a theoretical possibility of freezing. Under what circumstances will the police freeze the cards? Immediately after the victim reports the case, emergency stop payment and freeze all cards through which the victim's funds flow. Sometimes a case can freeze thousands of cards. The freezing time depends on when the victim reports the case to the police. Some pig-killing schemes may make the victim find out that they have been cheated after half a year or a year. Therefore, some funds may still be frozen after several months, half a year, or a year. It is highly likely that more than three days or a week will be fine, and the probability of being frozen in the later period is much smaller.

Question: Which of the Big Four banks is better or which local banks is better?

A: In my opinion, as long as it is a bank card, there is no difference. After receiving the black money, the police can freeze it with one click. It is nothing more than the risk control system of each bank is different. There are some differences, but risk control is nothing. The worst result is to withdraw money and cancel the card. The most important thing is not to receive black money and not freeze the card. Do not use your mortgage card, salary card, or social security card to withdraw money. If there is a problem later, it will affect the normal use of these cards.

Q: How to choose a merchant on the exchange when withdrawing funds?

Answer: The market is often upside down by a few points. Why is the buying price higher than the selling price? What are the merchants who place buy orders at a price higher than the selling price 1? How do they make money? If you can figure this out, you will know how to choose to withdraw funds at the market. First, exclude all buy orders that are higher than the selling price 1, as shown in the figure: the buying prices of 1, 2, and 3 are 6.85, 6.84, and 6.83. The following buying orders are recommended to place orders at 6.82 and later. In addition, 1: Look at the merchant’s registration time, at least more than 1 year. Merchants who can survive for more than 1 year at least know how to strictly check and audit the security of customer funds and will not accept any money. 2: The number of transactions of the merchant should be at least several thousand orders. In theory, the more the better. 3: The merchant must make real-name remittances (this is also a hard requirement of the exchange). The probability of being able to do the above will be much better. The key point: doing the above is only a probability to reduce the possibility of freezing.

Question: You only receive USDT and don’t sell USDT. How do you circulate it? What do you do with so much USDT?

A: There is a misunderstanding here. Our team just does not sell USDT offline. Many fraud funds, online gambling funds, Ponzi schemes, and pig-killing schemes have come to us for cooperation. We have rejected all of them. It is too easy to go wrong offline. It is not easy to explain if it is not a random match made by the exchange. We do not touch any risky behavior. We only sell USDT through random matchmaking by the exchange, and we have a strict audit template to exclude all illegal funds. In addition, when you buy USDT, you remit money to the merchant, and it will not freeze yourself. You can buy from the exchange with the lowest price, and cooperate with the merchant's audit process. If one does not work, you can switch to another. At present, there are also fans who have reported that buying USDT also froze themselves. The reason is probably: the other party is a criminal, why would you remit money to a criminal? The probability of this is too small and can be almost ignored.

Q: What is the minimum transaction amount? What is the transaction process?

A: Our starting order amount for large orders is RMB 100,000. If we accept small orders, the number of bank card transactions per day will be very large, which will cause bank risk control. Please understand. The transaction process is very formal. We only place orders on Binance and EUREX (no other small exchanges will accept orders). We always remit money under real names, and also require customers to receive money under real names. We also accept cash for special large-amount customers.

Q: What does arbitrage funds mean? What does sedimentation funds mean?

A: Usually the merchants you see in the exchange are traders who trade on the market. After they sell the oil and receive the funds, they will immediately place an order to withdraw the USDT. Usually the difference of 1-2 cents in the market is their profit. The funds stay on their cards for a very short time. They usually use USDT as the standard, and the funds are no longer kept overnight in the card. The probability of such funds being frozen is particularly high, and there is no safety at all. It may be luck once or twice, but it is only a matter of time before they are frozen for a long time. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC