Quoting @Lorrainelooloo's analysis of blink, it is very objective.

I would also like to talk about Blink. Friends who have paid attention may know that @solana official Twitter and sol founder @aeyakovenko have been pushing BLink recently, and have sent dozens of tweets about BLink in less than 3 days.

Blink has only been in use for less than 3 days, and there are already more than 50 applications that support blink. I experienced that it only takes 10 seconds to register the sol domain name on Twitter, 5 seconds to give a reward on Twitter, and 15 seconds to directly purchase a meme on Twitter.

Many people think that using blink is troublesome, but it is actually very simple to use Blink.

Do you need to download additional plugins: No

For many of the functions that I have experienced so far, you only need to have a Phantom Wallet, check a function, and it can be set up in 10 seconds, and you can pay directly on Twitter.

How to turn on the blink function: https://x.com/BitCloutCat/status/1805923850657616015…

Is it safe: It is safe for now

At present, every application that can pay on Twitter is verified, but it does not mean that it will not be cracked in the future. There is no absolutely safe thing, so when trading, you need to pay attention to whether it is an official push and what the transaction content is.

You can experience blink (blink) to follow the trend and follow the trend.

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