I found that 99% of the leeks have a fatal bad habit.

When the currency starts to fall, they are reluctant to sell, and always want to wait for a rebound before selling.

Then today, they rebounded, but they didn’t buy, and they fell two points, but they didn’t sell.

Tomorrow, they rebounded and fell, and they said they had no chance to sell, and they fell 3 points, but they didn’t sell.

The day after tomorrow, they rebounded by 1 point, and they said they wouldn’t sell until it went back up.

Now, it slowly fell by dozens of points, and all the money they made before was gone, and they lost money.

This is not the correct trading method. As long as you don’t stop loss, no matter how much you made before, as long as you make a mistake once, it’s all gone.

I have studied that all the big Vs who are good at trading will cut when they fall, admit their mistakes immediately, and start a new game.

I am the same, unless it is a super sure value investment, and dare to make up for the more it falls.

Otherwise, you must make a stop loss plan in advance before placing an order every time, otherwise it’s over if you make a mistake once, and you are not a mature trader.

Trading is a lifelong thing.

If you want to survive in the market for a long time, you must get rid of this fatal bad habit and make a stop loss plan in advance every time you open an order. Instead of fantasizing "I will sell when it rebounds" after the decline.

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