Contracts are really a double-edged sword. From 2018 to 2019, there were a lot of big contract players, and they were really popular at that time. I was also involved in it, but I can be considered the one who lost less. In the bear market, I accumulated some capital through contracts, but once the bull market came, I didn't touch it much. Thinking about it afterwards, I found that most of my big profits were earned by going long. Even in a big drop like 3.12, the profit from shorting was not as good as the profit from oversold rebound.

You are right, look at those contract masters, there are really not many who have a good ending. Most of them still make money by going long in the end. Look, the negative examples in the eyes of others have become our experience summary. Unfortunately, some people have to wait until they lose money before they wake up, and the pain of losing money makes them learn something. Sometimes I really don't know if these people have heard it, or they would rather keep repeating the same mistakes and lose money as always.

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