Two realms of cryptocurrency trading: wisdom and adventure

Speaking of the two realms of cryptocurrency trading, I would like to explore from two different levels - brilliant wisdom and risky traps.

High realm: wise stop loss

When we delve into the art of cryptocurrency trading, I can't help but mention the concept of "stop loss". For many traders, stop loss is not only a skill, but also a manifestation of wisdom. It means being able to decisively stop losses and protect one's capital when unfavorable situations occur in transactions.

The wisdom of stop loss is that it allows us to stay in the market for a long time. As long as we don't step down, we have the opportunity to readjust our strategy, recover losses, and even make profits. Especially in the volatile market of cryptocurrency, people who know how to stop loss can stay calmer and not blindly follow the trend, thus avoiding falling into high-risk operations.

Stop loss is not only about financial health, but also about mental health. It allows us to learn to respect the market and avoid being swayed by emotions such as greed and fear. In financial transactions, the struggle with the bottom of human nature is inevitable, but people who know how to stop loss are often able to better control their emotions and maintain a steady trading style.

Low level: risky holding

In contrast to the intelligent stop loss, there is a behavior called "holding". This refers to holding positions when the transaction is unfavorable, or even increasing investment, hoping that the market can reverse. This risky behavior is often accompanied by huge risks.

In the currency circle, examples of high-multiple contracts and full-position studs are common. But once such operations go wrong, the consequences are often catastrophic. This risky holding behavior may not only lead to huge losses of funds, but also cause serious psychological damage to traders.

I think the highest level of currency speculation is intelligent stop loss, and the lowest level is risky holding.

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