Fight for what is inevitable and let it go. There is really nothing to say about the market of the big cake at midnight. During this period, a short pin was inserted to around 60,000. The big cake market has been fluctuating below 61,000. No matter when you look at the market, it is still around that position and there is no change. Fortunately, I successfully seized the opportunity of the decline in the evening. The kongdanbuju given yesterday, the big cake and the concubine also successfully won two 944+72 points. Whenever the market comes to the weekend, it is always inevitable to fluctuate. At present, I will keep the original idea 🈳 and make adjustments according to the changes in the market structure.

It has been fluctuating since midnight. There is nothing to say about the market structure. Here we first focus on the four-hour pattern. In the short term, the market is running between the middle and lower tracks without change, but it can be seen that the Bollinger band is still in a state of opening and continuing to move downward. The highs are getting lower and lower, and the continuous downward movement of the lows also shows that the short-selling force is slowly eroding the market. It can be said that the short string is in a state of obstruction and pressure. The market is so tense that no matter how much analysis is done, it seems futile. In the morning and afternoon, we can still keep the idea of ​​short selling.

Bitcoin: 60800-61300 short, look at 60000

Ethereum: 3385-3420 short, look at 3340#币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #MegadropLista $BTC $ETH $BNB