1. Market uncertainty: The market is very complex and dynamic, and it is affected by many factors, including economic, political, social and natural factors. Therefore, the trading system cannot predict all changes and fluctuations in the market, nor can it guarantee 100% accuracy.

2. Limitations of trading systems: Trading systems are usually designed based on historical data and technical indicators, but market changes and fluctuations cannot be fully predicted by historical data and technical indicators. Therefore, even a very well-designed trading system cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.

3. Influence of human factors: The success of a trading system is also affected by human factors, including the psychological factors of traders, the ability to execute trading strategies, etc. Even if it is the most complete trading system, if the trader cannot correctly execute the trading strategy, it cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.

To sum up, the reason why the trading system cannot achieve 100% accuracy is due to the combined effect of multiple factors such as market uncertainty, limitations of the trading system, and the influence of human factors.

A trading system is a trading plan and investment strategy. Many investors find it very difficult to execute a trading system. The same trading system has different results for different investors. Why are there only a few winners in the market? It is because only these few people can stick to their trading system from beginning to end, while most investors who lose money do not stick to it from beginning to end, repeating the same mistakes over and over again, resulting in different investment results.

I think the difficulty in executing trading systems is mainly due to the following reasons.

The first is a cognitive problem. Your trading system does not conform to your investment philosophy and your personality, so it is very difficult to stick to it. A trading system that can continuously and stably make profits must go through the transition of bull and bear markets before it can truly mature. In other words, investors must at least go through the baptism of a bull and bear market before they can truly understand and respect this market. Only then can future transactions firmly believe in and rely on the trading system.

Second, the trading system must be personalized, not mechanical. Blindly copying other people's profit models will eventually fail. You can copy other people's profit models at the beginning, but you must optimize them to form your own things. Because the trading system is the result of other people's experience in the market, not yours. Everyone's understanding and cognition of the market is different. So when a trading signal appears, some people will trade according to the plan without hesitation, while others may not be able to bear the psychological pressure and stop trading or miss the opportunity in hesitation. So there is no trading system that is omnipotent and suitable for everyone. If there is, if it can be copied, everyone can become Buffett, everyone can become an investment master. The most important thing is that the market is constantly changing. The market five years ago is definitely different from the current market, so the trading system must also be constantly recognized and optimized.

3. The psychology of investors in the market is complex and not unified, so the trading system is definitely not suitable for everyone. Some investors come here just to make a profit. Some investors come here just to speculate in the short term. Some investments are to buy at a low valuation and then hold for long-term value investment. Some investors come here to gamble with the wind of the bull market. Some investors have their own deposits and spare money, so they have no psychological burden when operating. Some investors have all their money borrowed, and if they lose money, they will be heavily in debt. Some will leverage, and some will not. Different sources of funds lead to different investment psychology. If your own idle deposits fall, you can hold on and may eventually turn losses into profits. However, if the borrowed money falls, it will not be able to hold on to the low stop loss, resulting in major losses. It is often found that you can no longer hold on, and the low stop loss will start to rise sharply as soon as it comes out, making you suspect that the market is against you.

Therefore, different investors have different cognitions, different sources of funds, and different investment goals when entering the market, which has led to very complex investment psychology and behavior. To enter this market, you must continue to learn, think independently, and practice continuously. Without personal experience and exploration of bull and bear market transitions for about 10 years, it is difficult to become a talent. This is why the elimination rate in this market is very high. So when you are preparing to enter this market, are you mentally prepared? It is recommended that you use your spare time and free money to slowly learn and accumulate. Don't listen to those so-called masters who say that you can achieve financial freedom by following their operations. If you believe them, your tragedy may begin. #币安合约锦标赛