I’m coming back to you with a new layout, and this time the prospect of growth $ETH next year

1. Seven of Pentacles: This card symbolizes waiting and patience. In the context of cryptocurrencies, this means that growth may take some time. Investors may have already invested money and effort into studying the market but are not yet seeing significant results. This highlights the importance of a long-term approach and patience.

2. Priestess: The Priestess represents intuition and hidden knowledge. For the cryptocurrency market, this may indicate the need to listen to your gut feelings and use analytical skills to understand market trends. It is also important to pay attention to hidden information and internal market mechanisms.

3. Page of Pentacles: The Page of Pentacles represents new opportunities and learning. In relation to cryptocurrencies, this could mean that new promising projects or innovations will emerge that could affect the growth of cryptocurrencies. Investors should remain open to new knowledge and technologies in this area.

4. Page of Swords: The Page of Swords indicates the need for research and analysis. In the cryptocurrency space, this may mean that investors need to carefully study news, reports and market data. A critical approach and careful attention to information will help you make informed investment decisions.

5. Queen of Swords: The Queen of Swords symbolizes clarity of mind and objectivity. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, this means making rational and informed decisions without being swayed by emotional market fluctuations. It is important to maintain clarity of thought and analyze every action.

6. Ten of Cups: This card symbolizes harmony and fulfillment of desires. In the context of cryptocurrency, it can indicate the achievement of financial success and stability if investors follow a sound strategy. This is a sign of possible prosperity and satisfaction from investments.

7. Queen of Wands: The Queen of Wands represents confidence, energy and leadership qualities. For cryptocurrencies, this means that active management and confidence in your actions can lead to success. Investors will be able to make bold decisions and inspire others by their example.

Overall, the alignment indicates the need for patience, deep analysis and an intuitive approach to investing in cryptocurrency. With a rational and careful approach, as well as active management, the prospects for cryptocurrency growth in the coming year look positive, but vague.