DeFi Data

1. Total market value of DeFi tokens: $92.14 billion

DeFi total market value Data source: coingecko

2. The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours was US$3.999 billion

The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours. Data source: coingecko

3. Assets locked in DeFi: $96.083 billion

The top ten rankings of DeFi projects with locked assets and locked-in amounts. Data source: defillama

NFT Data

1. NFT total market value: $33.527 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

2. 24-hour NFT trading volume: $1.86 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

3. Top NFTs in 24 hours

Top 10 NFTs with the highest sales growth in 24 hours Data source: NFTGO


Biden and Trump concept MEME coins fell across the board, BODEN fell 26% in one hour

Golden Finance reported that the US presidential election debate between Biden and Trump on CNN began. The market showed that Biden's concept MEME coin BODEN fell 26% in one hour, temporarily reported at $0.1139. Trump's concept MEME coin TRUMP fell 6.9% in one hour, temporarily reported at $8.82.

DeFi Hotspot

1. Pendle TVL fell below $4 billion, a 37.6% drop in 7 days

Golden Finance reported that according to DeFiLlama data, the total locked value (TVL) of the DeFi yield market Pendle fell to US$3.964 billion, a 7-day drop of 37.6%.

2. Steno Research: Ethereum is expected to reach $6,500 later this year

Golden Finance reported that Steno Research predicts that the net inflow of Ethereum spot ETFs will reach $15 billion to $20 billion in the first 12 months. The report said that Ethereum is expected to reach $6,500 later this year due to strong ETF inflows and other positive factors. In addition, Galaxy Research estimates that the net inflow of spot Ethereum ETFs will reach $5 billion in the first five months, while Bitwise expects the inflow to reach $15 billion in the first 18 months.

3.Layer3 Foundation will release detailed L3 token economics next week

On June 28, the Layer3 Foundation, a distribution and identity protocol, stated on a social platform that it will release detailed L3 token economics next week.

4.Solana Foundation: Devnet is temporarily closed, but will be restored within an hour

Golden Finance reported that Jacob Creech, head of developer relations at the Solana Foundation, said on social media that Solana developers should note that Devnet is temporarily closed but will be restored within an hour.

5.OP Labs: Fjord upgrade will be launched on OP mainnet on July 11

Golden Finance reported that OP Labs tweeted that the Fjord upgrade will be launched on the OP mainnet at 0:01 Beijing time on July 11. This upgrade will bring new features and reduce costs, including 20 times lower smart wallet key verification costs through RIP-7212 precompilation; developers can create smart wallet experiences without scale and cost restrictions; more accurate pricing functions and more efficient Brotli batch compression, transaction costs will drop by 5 to 15%; sequencer drift will be increased from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, etc.

Game Hotspot

1.DWF Labs establishes strategic cooperation with P2E blockchain game Gatto Game

Golden Finance reported that DWF Labs announced that it has established a strategic partnership with the P2E blockchain game Gatto Game to support players in earning TON.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, Golden Finance publishes articles for information reference only and is not intended as actual investment advice. Please establish a correct investment philosophy and be sure to raise your risk awareness.