If you make 100,000-1 million quick bucks in the cryptocurrency circle

Accepting cash is the safest method. In fact, at this time, you have a certain size and you will have a lot of resources. The main thing is that you need to distinguish the authenticity. Again, don't believe it, verify it.

At any time, plan ahead and find a trusted currency dealer. With this amount of funds, you need to guard against others setting up a trap for you.

Don't listen to those half-baked bloggers who tell you that there is black money in cash. Remember, don't go to the ATM machine to collect cash. Go to public places and teahouses you are familiar with and trust (note that the high-definition cameras in the teahouses take pictures of your private keys).

No matter what the other party's cash is, you don't know it. You just need to sell your digital currency. If you have to press the head, it is the currency dealer who is pressed, and it has nothing to do with you.

For 1 million cash, you just need to slowly deposit it into the bank, or repay your loan. For large amounts, you need to provide the source of funds. They will ask you and record it in the cash flow notes.

