Six concepts to reshape your thinking boundaries

Try unknown challenges, it is the only way to grow. By trying areas you have never been involved in, you will gain new experience and achieve personal growth and progress.

Facing inner resistance, choosing to do things you don't want to do is the beginning of self-change. Only by taking this step bravely can you achieve self-transcendence.

Break through your fear and challenge those things you once dared not do. When you face and overcome these difficulties bravely, you will find that your potential and ability are far beyond your imagination.

Among all the pain, only physical pain is real. The other so-called pain comes from your personal values ​​and expectations.

When others' criticism and accusations make you feel painful and uneasy, it often means that in your subconscious, you agree with their views. This is an opportunity for reflection and self-improvement.

Imagine if you change the 100 yuan in your hand into two 50 yuan bills, you may not feel much difference.

But if you replace your 36-year-old woman with two 18-year-old girls, I guess you will be excited.