Many people enter the cryptocurrency market with 5,000 yuan and buy PEPE spot to make a steady profit. As a result, after getting in touch with contracts, they find that they can make more money by leveraging in the short term, so they switch from spot to contracts.

Losing from 5,000 to 1,000, buying another 5,000 to get back the money, quickly entering and exiting to lose all the money, entering 10,000 again, and the market fell to only 10U. It’s not the contract that hurts people, it’s greed!

If you go all in, you can make 10 times or 100 times, but the more you gamble, the more likely you are to get a blown position!

Suggestion: take 1/10 to play contracts and stay up late to prepare; take 90% of the position to spot and diversify your investment.

The bull market is coming soon, there is no absolute way to make money, only reasonable operations! Newcomers who see BTC’s new high and want to enter the cryptocurrency market, first pay attention to me, learn knowledge and make up for the basics! #热么话题