According to TechFlow, the Block reported that Internet celebrity Logan Paul has filed a defamation lawsuit against YouTube blogger Stephen Findeisen (nicknamed "Coffeezilla") because the latter accused Paul of participating in a scam in his failed NFT game CryptoZoo in a series of YouTube videos. The lawsuit seeks $75,000 in damages, as well as additional legal fees and other damages deemed necessary by the court.

At the end of 2022, "Coffeezilla" released a series of videos accusing Paul of promoting CryptoZoo and collecting funds from NFT holders, but Paul failed to use this part of the funds to pay developers to complete the game development, causing investors and participants to suffer financial losses. Paul then released a response video claiming that the game was still under development, but the video has been deleted from YouTube.

Paul accused Stephen of "maliciously and repeatedly" publishing false statements alleging fraud related to CryptoZoo. The court document stated that Stephen knew that these statements were false, but continued to spread false information in order to increase personal popularity and income. The court document further stated that "Coffeezilla" omitted key information in the video that showed that Paul never intended to commit fraud, but planned to develop a legitimate blockchain-based game.