1. Fund management is crucial. If your initial capital does not exceed 200,000, set a reasonable annualized return target, such as 20%. There is no need to pursue full positions all the time. It is enough to catch the main upward trend once a year.

2. Wealth growth matches cognition. It is difficult for a person to earn wealth beyond his or her cognition. Therefore, it is recommended that novices conduct simulated trading first to exercise their mentality and courage. Simulated trading allows you to fail unlimited times, but a single failure in real trading may mean a huge loss.

3. Develop a habit of reviewing your selected currencies every day or every week to evaluate whether they are in line with your investment strategy and expectations.

4. Treat good news with caution. When encountering major good news, if you do not choose to sell on the same day, be sure to remember to sell when the market opens higher the next day, because the realization of good news is often accompanied by risks.

5. High-quality currencies are worth holding for the long term, but they should also be sold at high levels to avoid greed.

6. Before major holidays, consider reducing your positions or going short a week in advance, and wait for the last few trading days before the holiday to enter the market. Usually, the first day after the holiday will have a better market performance.

7. When a large black candlestick appears on the daily chart, you should consider leaving the market the next day unless it is at the bottom of a shrinking volume.

8. Pay special attention to the currencies with increasing volume at the bottom, as this may be a signal of a market turning point.

9. For medium and long-term investment, maintaining sufficient cash reserves is the key. It is a wise strategy to sell part of it when the price rises and buy it back when it falls.

10. When trading short-term, pay special attention to volume and price charts. Active charts are more suitable for trading, while inactive ones should be avoided.

11. The speed of a market's decline and rebound often corresponds to each other. When the decline slows down, the rebound will also be slow; when the decline accelerates, the rebound will also be rapid.

12. Comparing the charts of the market and individual coins, the trend of coins operated by the main players is usually different from that of the market. The coins that are consistent with the trend of the market may lack the support of the main players.

13. If a currency that has been trading sideways at the bottom for a long time suddenly breaks out upward with large volume, this may be a buying opportunity.

14. If you buy the wrong currency, you must stop loss in time. This is the basic principle of survival in the market.

15. There is no need to master all stock trading techniques and methods. It is enough to master a few and use them skillfully.

16. For short-term trading, the 15-minute K-line chart is very important. Combined with indicators such as KDJ, you can find better buying and selling points.

17. The difference between a wash and a sell is the volume. The volume usually does not increase during a wash, but an increase in volume may be a signal for a sell.

18. For long-term investment, just focus on the 60-day, 120-day and 250-day moving averages. These three moving averages are more stable when they are arranged in a bullish pattern, but the premise is that the company's performance is supported.

19. Certain principles should be followed when trading, such as "don't sell if it doesn't rise, don't buy if it doesn't fall, and don't trade if the price goes sideways."

20. Stay calm and rational, don’t be greedy or afraid, and you will find that digital currency investment can actually be very easy.

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