Why are there so many people still keen on speculating in cryptocurrencies?

In the crypto circle, there is often a play called "collective death". For example, once Musk posts a tweet, he just moves his fingers and changes the Twitter logo, and the players in the crypto circle rush in like they were injected with chicken blood. But often behind this, it is the dealer who is secretly happy. After the retail investors rush in, the dealer quietly withdraws, leaving a mess. This kind of follow-up speculation in cryptocurrencies is like a contest between ants and elephants. Small retail investors always think that there is strength in numbers, but in fact, the dealer is like an elephant, and can crush the ants with a light foot.

The capital market is, after all, a money game, where dealers and retail investors are fighting wits and courage. If retail investors can make money, how can dealers survive? Therefore, those coins that retail investors have high hopes for often end up falling into a mess. Although blockchain technology has great potential, its true value can only be reflected when it is combined with the real economy. Most of the current cryptocurrency market is still speculation, which is similar to gambling.

Therefore, if you want to do well in the cryptocurrency market, you must learn to be as sharp as a hound and be able to sniff out the slightest movement in the market so that you can grab some meat from the dealer's mouth. But more importantly, don't always think about getting rich overnight by speculating in cryptocurrency. Learn some real skills and master some survival skills to play this game longer.

