Guigu Investment Research:

Accurate market analysis on June 28

Good morning, brothers. I will repeat the conclusion of yesterday's analysis this morning:

"Be patient. Everything will turn around when it reaches its extreme. When the market reaches its bottom, it will rebound strongly when it encounters favorable news.

Market response plan: hold a part of the coins in spot and wait for a big drop to continue to buy the bottom."

The market rebounded yesterday, but we should not be too happy too early.

Systemic risks have not been resolved, and the Mentougou incident is still unresolved.

Yesterday, the ETF's bottom-fishing power was not strong, and only a few million US dollars flowed in.

From the on-chain data, stablecoins did not continue to flow in, and funds were insufficient.

But BTC increased by 4,000 yesterday, mainly flowing into Binance.

So the on-chain data is bearish.

Currently, the recommended position is less than 50%.

Brothers who buy too many coins can short BCH to hedge.

Currently BCH is $387.3, and the stop loss is $391.

The PCE price index will be announced at 8:30 tomorrow night, with an expected 2.6%.

Lower than expected is positive, higher than expected is negative.

The market may fall below $61,000 before the data is released.

In addition, the probability of falling below $60,000 is higher if the data is negative.

If Mentougou really pays, we must be prepared.

There is a probability of falling below $60,000 of more than 70%.

Now many people recharge BTC to Binance.

When the negative news comes, they will sell and run away. The selling pressure is relatively large.

So we should keep a lot of bullets and wait for the price to fall below before buying the bottom.