LISTA — Take a deep look at this new coin [Follow! Reference! ] 💹💹💹

Lista DAO is an open source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and the LSDfi liquidity center on the BNB Smart Chain. This project offers unique features and opportunities that have attracted a lot of attention from users and developers. Here are the main benefits and rights of LISTA holders, as well as the prospects of slisBNB and the future of Lista DAO in the field of liquidity staking.

Benefits and rights of LISTA holders

Governance participation

Users holding LISTA tokens can participate in the voting rights of protocol governance and influence key decisions, including choosing collateral types and determining token issuance strategies.

Staking rewards

Users can stake tokens on the Listapie platform and receive 15 Stardust per day for every $1 worth of LISTA staked. In addition, users can also receive multiple rewards and participate in special events to share generous USDT rewards.

Future prospects of slisBNB

Profitability and liquidity

As a profitable and liquid staking token of BNB, slisBNB provides users with additional income opportunities.

Ecosystem expansion

With the continuous expansion of the BNB Chain ecosystem, the application scenarios of slisBNB will gradually increase, further enhancing its importance and influence in the market.

Lista DAO in the future of liquidity staking

Innovation potential

Lista DAO has demonstrated great innovation potential. Through flexible staking and lending services, it provides users with a variety of income management solutions, improving the liquidity and efficiency of assets.

Platform function expansion

In the future, Lista DAO will continue to expand its platform functions, attract more users and developers to join, and promote the popularization and development of decentralized finance.

The PCE data will be released tonight. This is also the inflation data that the Federal Reserve is most concerned about. It is likely to determine whether to cut interest rates in the future. The estimated value of this data is 2.8. If it is lower than 2.8 tonight, it will take off from the spot!

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#美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛