WLD, as the representative currency of the AI ​​sector, is currently in a range-bound stage. Recently, a golden cross signal has appeared at the four-hour level, which may indicate future upward momentum.

In June, the AI ​​sector has three important good news:

1. The integration of three currencies in the AI ​​sector drives the overall market heat: Recently, there have been reports that several key projects in the AI ​​field will be merged into one, and this combination will greatly increase the attention and market heat of the entire AI sector. This is a positive driving factor for projects such as WLD.

2. The news that GPT5 is about to be launched: The news that the parent company GPT5 is about to be launched has also become the focus of market attention. As another project under the name of the same founder, GPT5 belongs to the same positive driving force as WLD. This correlation may bring more attention and investment to WLD.

3. First release and unlocking: WLD will face its first release and unlocking on July 25. The project party is likely to take measures before this event, such as pulling up the market in advance, to resist the potential selling pressure and investor panic caused by the first release.

Overall, WLD is facing multiple positive factors in the near term, including market consolidation, parent company news, and the first release of unlocking. Investors should pay close attention to the possible impact of these factors on WLD price trends.

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