This article is a transcript of a video interview with Chen Weixing by Piaoliangshuo.

Big beautiful:

Today we are very lucky to have invited Chen Weixing, the big boss of WEB1/WEB2/WEB3.

01 Comments on Zhang Yiming and Zhao Changpeng

Big beautiful:

In fact, you may not know that Brother Weixing has actually invested in Zhang Yiming, the founder of ByteDance, and Zhao Changpeng, the richest Chinese in our industry.

Regarding the successful investment experience of these two companies, I would like to ask Brother Weixing, do you have any evaluation of the founders of these two companies, that is, which one is stronger and which one is weaker?

Chen Weixing:

I can’t say that I have particularly good vision just because I invested in these two projects, because I have invested in many projects, and these two are the ones I think are better.

Later, I looked at it and thought about the strategic issue myself, that is, what will be successful in the era of mobile Internet and blockchain?

In fact, we have a very logical strategic map, and I invested in every link. It's not just these two, but I know I want to invest in these things.

Then they gave me the opportunity to vote, and I am very grateful to them for giving me the opportunity.

Big beautiful:

What they do happens to fit into your business map?

Chen Weixing:

Yes, for me, because I really want to do those things, I think those things are very meaningful, but I can't do them realistically. Then they just happen to do it, and they can let me participate in the investment and get the growth of this industry.

At that time, I just thought, make more money, hahahaha! At that time, my purpose of making money was to build a better future. So I think these fields need such companies! They are suitable leaders, and then I am very happy to invest.

Big beautiful:

Let me be more sharp. Regarding these two project investments, which one made you more money?

Chen Weixing:

I think Binance has definitely made me earn more, because we invested in TikTok (ByteDance) relatively late, and we invested in Binance relatively early, and angel investment was made in Binance.

02 How do you view the crypto industry?

Big beauty:

Then let me ask Brother Weixing the second question.

Regarding our track, you are also an investor, and you have been studying the future of mankind. You have done some very professional and in-depth research on the development of many new technologies. I would like to help us see from your far-sighted perspective, which track in our industry, the CRYPTO industry, do you think can be implemented and run?

Chen Weixing:

I think CRYPTO is still in an exploratory stage, just like the mobile Internet around 2010. The situation at that time was that there were many apps and a lot of money raised, but none of them worked!

As for the new APP, everyone seems to think that there is a lot of opportunity. But how can we get this opportunity?

Everyone can see the general trend, because the general trend is that mobile phone terminals are constantly growing, the prices of these terminals are constantly falling, and young people and more and more people have more and more reasons to join the mobile Internet.

You can see that user growth is a bonus, and you always know that the product will come out, but at that time it just didn’t! You always know that the Internet will take off, but you don’t know how it will take off.

So the situation now is that the entire cryptocurrency world is in the state of 2010, and everyone thinks it’s coming. AI is here, and it should succeed, right?

But the companies that raised a lot of money and had high valuations don’t seem to be doing well, and they don’t seem to have solved any great problems. And people don’t know how to tell new stories, so I think people are paying more attention to creative products. If blockchain and AI are combined well, I will have more and more such ideas. And many people are discussing this, because it involves a lot of real innovation, that is, how does blockchain provide services to humans?


Blockchain is not actually designed for humans, but for AI and robots! Because in the future, human behavior will mainly be communication with agents, and robots will help you solve it.

So what kind of consensus do robots have? What protocols they believe in, humans believe in. Because if the robots think it’s good, I think it’s good too. So in the future, the relationship between humans and the Internet will be separated by robots. Humans will no longer use the Internet directly, but robots will use the Internet. This is a feature of the human intelligence era. AI will use blockchain in turn, and AI’s decisions need to use such consensus. Using blockchain is AI. If blockchain is useful, it is natural for AI to use it, which is seamless. Then it depends on whether there are people who want to use the Agent. If the Agent is useful, the blockchain will naturally be used.

In the future, when AI is in place, why should humans make decisions on their own and consider whether something is good or bad? Then there must be professionals to help me with this, right?

I have a very professional person who helps me decide whether it will be an Internet property that makes humans better, or a real digital asset. I think you can imagine what kind of things will be assets in the future? What kind of things can we use AI to motivate what kind of assets? Help humans become better? All of these can be achieved in the blockchain environment with AI.

Of course, there is a problem here. Many people think that technology is for people! Is the goal of technology to make people better, or is technology for money?

This is another battle of faith, because mankind has reached such a historical stage again. If you don’t consider technology to serve people, but only consider technology to serve money, you may get into trouble!

Because you put a robot in a culture that serves money, and the robot will also believe in serving money. Then the bad things it does will be much more awesome than what you do, and it will harm the interests of most people.

After all, the money is in the hands of a few people!


Big beautiful:

From Brother Weixing's perspective, we can pay more attention to projects that are truly useful and can be implemented.

Our blockchain has some relationship with AI and can truly serve the AI ​​system, so our future research direction can be biased in this direction.

03 Evaluation of Spot ETFs

Big beautiful:

Then I would like to ask Brother Weixing another question. For example, you are relatively wealthy, and your understanding of money and finance is definitely deeper than ours. Then I would like to ask, can the Bitcoin ETF and the Ethereum ETF, such spot ETFs, create huge value for our currency circle? From your perspective, do you think this financial behavior is really useful for our industry?

Chen Weixing:

The more people reach a consensus on Bitcoin, the higher its price will be! Because more and more people trust the liquidity of Bitcoin, the more it circulates, the more trustworthy it is.

Therefore, Bitcoin has such a network effect of trust. Its specially designed currency mechanism has formed a consensus of people's recognition of it. It has this kind of consensus effect, so it is a very powerful system. As long as the door is opened wide, more and more people will understand it as the world changes. Especially when AI becomes more powerful, more and more people will understand this formula, and when its price rises, its capacity will be greater.

Therefore, Satoshi Nakamoto is a god-level figure who designed a consensus mechanism that can grow stronger and stronger without anyone's supervision. I think this is amazing!

Big beautiful:

So you think this ETF can still promote our industry.

Chen Weixing:

I am very optimistic about the industry next year, because the US dollar will have more problems, right? The currency will have more problems, right?

He will always enter the interest rate reduction channel, and then he will continue to print money and borrow money. The rich man's money will become more and more, and if he keeps collecting interest, the rich man's mentality will change in the end.


When the money system is beginning to break down, they will allocate more to (Bitcoin) through these channels.

This consensus will permeate into many wealthy people and constantly change their concepts, so the growth of Bitcoin is essentially a growth of human consciousness.

Human beings have a growing philosophy about how they should survive and how they should establish their own economic system. The growth of this philosophy requires the growth of human cognition, which takes time!

Big beautiful:

In other words, you think that Bitcoin, as a monetary mechanism, is a good solution to the problems caused by global currency.

Chen Weixing:

Yes, yes, yes!

This Bitcoin will bring peace to mankind! Bitcoin is an invention of mankind. I think it is the most important invention in human history, just like the invention of fire.

Because the ultimate sense of security and trust of human beings comes from fairness. Bitcoin is the fairest currency that we humans can design and use as a currency. It can be independent and decentralized. The fairest mechanism that we humans can design at present is a perfect natural growth, a group psychology phenomenon, and a characteristic of human group consciousness. To be able to create such a currency consensus, it is mathematically perfect and necessary for the balance of human consciousness. It just takes time, and it is in line with the characteristics of human beings to form a consensus.

Because if we think about all things, the true nature of human beings is actually the game of consciousness of 8 billion people. The game of consciousness has such a result, and it has its rationality.


04 Why are we optimistic about 2025?

Big beautiful:

When you talked about time, you said next year, you are very optimistic about the development of Bitcoin next year. What is the basis for this time? The interest rate cut cycle?

Chen Weixing:

I think by the end of this year, this year won’t be bad! It will go up this year and it will go up next year! It’s just the temperature you feel, right?

You have to consider that we have been in the industry for so long and we have a good sense of the entire industry and the changes in the world.

Because we often think that the time has come for real reflection on humanity and currency.

As the world's geopolitical game becomes more intense and there is a threat of war, people will have many ideological struggles at this time.

What is right after all? This era is coming, and at this time, everyone will observe whether a new philosophy like Bitcoin is good for the country.

The more people care about this, the more they believe that it may succeed, and the more money will flow into it. Therefore, because Bitcoin has a monetary effect and is a god of wealth, its philosophical power is growing. It has its own philosophy of power, because when you have money and Bitcoin, you feel good.

Because Bitcoin has brought about an era of rebuilding the trust order of mankind, an era of rebuilding the trust order. And after the advent of AI, humans can make human credit limitless, so you can do whatever you want in the future, and it will always be beautiful. This is the characteristic of collective intelligence. In other words, the development of our Bitcoin may be a key time node next year, with quantitative easing and various other things.

But in the long run, war or some other factors may amplify these contradictions. When the huge contradictions collapse, Bitcoin is a good solution.

However, as the times change, AI will really be implemented in our households. Bitcoin, like blockchain, and related technologies extended by Bitcoin will be promoted again and developed into a landing program that can be used by real AI and robots. At that time, our industry may usher in three huge explosions, 1/2/3.

I think the new changes may be beyond our expectations. It is something that is bound to happen, a huge energy switch.

You can see that politics is in conflict, the United States is in conflict, Europe is in conflict, Asia is in conflict with the East and the West. Then your currency, his government's account book is in conflict, and the currencies and economies of various countries have problems. The whole world has entered a very dangerous and very strange stage. And this stage will make real changes. The more extreme the time, the easier it is for human consciousness to seek change.

So, I can feel that this era is about to come. I think it should be this round, which will start this year, next year, or the year after next.

So everyone should be prepared now. I think the real opportunity for blockchain will come as our understanding of AI deepens and AI’s functions become more profound!


Big beautiful:

Everyone, please control yourself and don’t get FOMO! This interview does not represent any financial advice!

That's the end of our interview today. Thank you very much, Brother Weixing, for sharing such interesting views with us.

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