#FET $FET FET market trend analysis on the day:

The FET market showed an overall bearish trend today. From the 1/2/4 hour level, the bears dominated. It is particularly noteworthy that the long and short key points on the 4-hour level are near 1.5900, which will determine the direction of the market's next trend.

If the market price continues to decline, we should pay close attention to the support levels of 1.4383, 1.3991, and 1.3456. Once these key points are broken, further declines may occur. On the contrary, if the price shows signs of rebound, the upper pressure levels of 1.6324, 1.6734, and 1.7144 will become important observation objects.

If you need to analyze the copycat points, search for the public account/number: Encrypted Riding the Wind

In short-term trading, it is necessary to remain alert to the comparison of long and short forces, and flexibly adjust trading strategies according to market changes to seize possible trading opportunities.

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