A quick overview of popular coins in 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Coin price fluctuations]

1. [Contracts] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#ENS +3.11% #LISTA +3.07% #LEVER +2.78% ;#IO -5.14% BOND -3.53% WAXP -3.52%

[Spot] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

EPX +21.98% BETA +19.97% VGX +7.5% ;IO -5.11% GLMR -4.88% WAXP -3.53%

2. BTC 1-hour moving average broke down

[Important information]

1. Kraken Lianchuang announced a donation of $1 million to Trump's campaign

2. Blast: There are still Points and Gold in the second phase, but the distribution mechanism will be different

3. Greeks.live: IV will be under strong downward pressure a few days after today's delivery is completed

4. The US government currently holds 210,000 BTC, worth about $13.15 billion

5. Linux Foundation: Plans to establish LF decentralized trust fund

6. Analysis: Bitcoin miners' selling pressure is weakening, and if absorbed, it may form an upward momentum

7. Steno Research: Ethereum is expected to reach $6,500 later this year

8. CoinStats attackers have transferred $1 million worth of cryptocurrency to a new address

9. Layer3 Foundation will release detailed L3 token economics next week

10. Monochrome spot Bitcoin ETF net assets are currently 65 bitcoins

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