#chz $CHZ

CHZ market overview:

CHZ's market shows short-side advantages at both the 1-hour and 2-hour levels, but it is worth noting that a purple signal appeared at the 4-hour level, suggesting that the market may be about to turn.

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Today's focus is undoubtedly around the key point of 0.07717 at the 4-hour level, which is the focus of competition between the long and short sides. If the price continues to fall, the support levels of 0.07503, 0.07252, and 0.06932 will become the support force of the market.

However, if the price starts to rebound, it is necessary to pay close attention to the pressure levels of 0.07926, 0.08120, and 0.08337. These positions will be the key resistances that the bulls need to break through.

In short-term trading, it is important to keep a close eye on the changes in the strength of the long and short positions to ensure that the trading decisions are accurate and correct in order to seize every opportunity of market fluctuations.

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