During the Biden Administration

Core Challenges: Economic Storm: High inflation is like a beast, ruthlessly devouring people's wallets and testing the government's regulatory capabilities. Cultural Loss: The issue of intangible cultural heritage is becoming increasingly prominent. In the collision between tradition and modernity, how to protect and inherit it has become a difficult problem. Digital Currency Debate: The opposition to cryptocurrency is particularly prominent today when science and technology and economy are developing rapidly.

Thorny Issues During the Trump Administration

Drug Flooding: The drug problem spreads like a ghost, causing deep trauma to society. Legal Disputes: The case has cast a shadow on Trump's administration. Chip Shortage: In the global supply chain, the chip problem has become a bottleneck restricting technological progress and economic development. Digital Currency Support: Unlike Biden, Trump is open to cryptocurrency, which reflects his unique governing philosophy. Outlook for the Presidential Election Judging from the current debate situation, the two candidates each carry different historical baggage and future visions. The economic and cultural challenges faced by Biden and Trump's legal and supply chain dilemmas are both difficult problems facing them. Who will win this presidential election depends not only on their policy proposals, but also on how they respond to public concerns and solve practical problems. In this contest, we look forward to a more fair, prosperous and secure future.

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