According to TechFlow, Lumoz, a modular computing layer and ZK-RaaS platform, announced that the first five tiers of zkVerifier nodes have been sold out. As of press time, a total of 51,033 nodes have been sold (accounting for about 51% of the total number of nodes). Currently on sale are Tier 6 nodes, with a single node price of 402U. Whitelist users and users with whitelist user invitation codes can enjoy a 10% discount on purchases, and using ZKF payment can also get a discount on top of the discount (a total of 19% discount), but the daily limit is 200.

Lumoz simultaneously launched the final payment of the whitelist round and pre-sale round of node sales on June 25. Currently, users who have completed 80% of the final payment of the pre-sale round and participated in the purchase of the whitelist round can participate in the Lumoz 40 million points mining activity as soon as possible, for a total of 40 days, and share 1 million points every day. Users can also get point bonuses by participating in the team. For specific rules, please refer to the Lumoz official website. The final payment of the whitelist round and pre-sale round will end one day before the start of the public sale (July 3). Please participate in the purchase/final payment as soon as possible to get the point mining reward earlier!

The total number of Lumoz zkVerifier nodes is 100,000, divided into 10 tiers, first come first served. If you are not satisfied later, you can enjoy an 80% unconditional refund. Node holder rewards include: 40 million Lumoz points (before the mainnet launch), 25% Lumoz Token mining rewards (after the mainnet launch) and Lumoz ecological new chain potential token airdrops and other multiple rewards.