In this era of the Internet and financial industry, there is a term that I believe everyone has heard of, and that is "Bitcoin." Even though we often hear this term, I guess we don't have a clear concept of how to obtain Bitcoin, what Bitcoin is used for, and what can be purchased with it.

There was once a person who bought 100,000 bitcoins at one time, cashed out 13.5 billion, and called "Bitcoin" a scam. What happened? If you understand this story, I believe everyone will have a clear understanding of Bitcoin.

Back to the original question, what is the difference between Bitcoin and ordinary coins? First of all, Bitcoin is not a currency that can be consumed, so the question is, if it cannot be consumed, why does Bitcoin still attract so many people?

One thing that must be mentioned is that Bitcoin can be said to be a form of investment. For something that has had a clear upward trend in price in recent years, who wouldn’t want to get a piece of the pie?

However, one thing needs to be noted. It is true that people want to make money, and it is even more normal to want to make a lot of money. The thing the world lacks most is people who want to make a lot of money. But whenever you enter an industry, the very least you need to do is to understand the industry first. Otherwise, you will most likely be cannon fodder. This is already an all too common problem in the business world.

The guy who bought 100,000 bitcoins is named Li, so we'll call him Brother Li. But why is bitcoin so popular? There is a concept that must be mentioned. The paper money that everyone uses today is issued by banks, but bitcoin is not like that. It has no bank to rely on, so depreciation and appreciation are uncontrollable. From the current point of view, the rise in the price of bitcoin is still a very obvious thing. The saying "buy is earn" still makes sense in bitcoin.

However, the most peculiar thing about Bitcoin is that its use does not leave any traces. Although for ordinary people, this is an unnecessary function, for people in special jobs, such as international agents, when they buy equipment, it is naturally self-evident whether it is safer to buy it with Bitcoin or with real coins.

There is nothing right or wrong about this. If there is demand, there will naturally be trade.

Nowadays, one Bitcoin is worth about 20,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to 140,000 RMB. Brother Li bought 100,000 Bitcoins. After operating Bitcoin, Brother Li earned 1.13 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to 13.5 billion RMB. It has to be said that this is a story of getting rich quickly for anyone.

But Brother Li, who made money later, said that Bitcoin is ultimately a hyped product. Although he does not deny that some people do need Bitcoin, more people are just following the trend and buying it. If the bubble period comes, that will be the time when the price of Bitcoin plummets.

Of course, we can’t believe everything that Xiao Li said, but this is just his opinion on Bitcoin. In fact, not only Bitcoin, but any investment is risky. It depends on whether you can really make money. After all, investment is a metaphysics. #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划