Recently, a friend asked a question that was quite interesting. He said, "Where will the price of pie fall? Some people in the market are bearish again, and some say that the bull market is over. What do you think?" My answer is that it is really the same every time. Even if the leeks are cut 10,000 times, 99% of the leeks will be cut 10,000 and 10,000 times, because they have never really summarized the reasons for failure, nor have they really considered the problem from the perspective of the sickle. The sickle can even eat all the world with one trick. They don't need any updates or innovations. Just a few routines can cut the leeks back and forth, even the pants are cut, and they can cut when the price soars and plummets. I have to admit it.

As a leek, we must be clear about what we are doing in the cryptocurrency circle. We are definitely not here to get killed. Everyone wants to get a piece of the pie in this circle when the outside world is in a mess, right? But when everyone wants to make money, not everyone can do what they want. It can be said that the cryptocurrency circle is more cruel than the way of making money in real life. At least most of those outside the circle will not lose everything, while the cryptocurrency circle can make you go back to zero in a short time. Of course, there is also a chance of getting rich in a short time. This is also the charm and advantage of the cryptocurrency circle.