Opportunities cannot be replicated, but they always exist

I still remember that in 2015, when the bear market was about to end, my friend, who had just entered school, had learned to invest in stocks through the Internet with some bosses. In addition, his friend's major was related to his own and he also liked to study it privately. With his extraordinary talent and keen sense of smell, he made his first million before he graduated. However, at that time, such stories could be found everywhere, and there were declarations of getting rich by investing in stocks everywhere. My friend was only a slightly lucky one among the many lucky ones, but because of the easy gains, he also suffered misfortune for a period of time later.

In the second half of 2015, when large-cap stocks reached their peak, he believed some online opinions and firmly believed that if the interest rate was cut and he continued to hold on, foreign capital would continue to flow into the market. His courage and appetite grew, and he ignored the risks and started to allocate funds and leverage. In the end, the story ended as most people expected: assets were wiped out. That period was the most depressed time for my friend in my memory, and he blamed himself every day.

In 2016, this friend, persuaded by his former boss, began to learn about investing in Bitcoin. At that time, BTC was about 5,000 yuan. He also traded short-term at first, and like most people who just started, he was cautious and careful, often getting up at two or three in the morning to check the market. Later, he found that this operation was not worth the loss. He felt that his quality of life had dropped sharply, and his emotions were kidnapped by this irregular market. This short-term operation lasted for two months, and he decisively gave up.

After a while, we had dinner together at the end of 2016. I learned that he had been studying WEB3, blockchain and cryptocurrency through online books. He also recommended his former bosses to buy them through the previous methods. He also helped bosses with large funds to make a proportion, using part of the money to buy spot and part of the money to make contracts. After another drop, he invested in Ethereum with 100,000 yuan given by his family. I remember that he bought it on Bitcoin China, one of the three major trading platforms in China. The other two trading platforms, Huobi and OK, had not yet launched Ethereum. At that time, the founder of Binance Exchange was still the technical director of OK.

By the first half of 2017, his assets had grown from 100,000 to more than 3 million, half of which was earned through leveraged contracts during the bull market. Later, in the second half of 2017, there was a bigger bull market, and this friend learned to allocate investments with more than 1 million of the profit, and the profit reached nearly 10 million during the peak period. 100,000 became 10 million in just one year.

Of course, the real world is not always smooth sailing. Later, when the bear market of 2018 came, this friend also suffered losses. But at the same time, there are always a few people who can beat the market and know the laws of the investment cycle with a high probability. Therefore, this is why we need to continue to learn and improve our cognition.

As an ordinary retail investor, this friend has outperformed most people in the market. The secret is a good mentality, and the reason for a good mentality is that he believes, and believing is because of understanding. "If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools." He spent two years on professional research, one year on understanding the cryptocurrency world, and another year on practice. Then, a gust of wind blew him up.

#美联储何时降息? #心态决定结果
