BLUR Market Analysis


Daily chart analysis

As can be seen from the daily chart, the BLUR price has continued to fall since the beginning of March. The current price is around $0.2060, showing a clear downward trend.

1. Price Trend The price of BLUR continues to fall and recently broke through the previous low of $0.25, indicating strong downward momentum.

2. Technical indicators

  • Bollinger Band: The three lines of the Bollinger Band show a clear downward trend. The price is currently running near the lower track, showing strong downward pressure.

  • Moving Average (MA): The 5-day, 10-day, and 30-day MAs are all trending downward, with the 5-day MA near $0.27, the 10-day MA near $0.30, and the 30-day MA near $0.35. The short-term, medium-term, and long-term MAs all show a clear downward trend.

  • Trading volume: The recent trading volume has increased significantly, showing the panic selling sentiment in the market.

3. Real-time data As of June 24, 2024, the price of BLUR is $0.2060, the 5-day moving average is $0.27, the 10-day moving average is $0.30, and the 30-day moving average is $0.35.

4. Summary The daily chart shows that BLUR is in a strong downward trend. If it fails to effectively stand above $0.25 in the near future, it may continue to move downward to test the support level of $0.20. If it can break through the resistance of $0.25, it may usher in a short-term rebound with a target of around $0.30.

4-hour chart analysis

On the 4-hour chart, BLUR price is running near the lower track of the Bollinger band and is still under pressure in the short term.

1. Price trend BLUR shows a continuous downward trend on the 4-hour chart, and the price is running in a downward channel.

2. Technical indicators

  • Bollinger Band: The Bollinger Band is in a downward trend, and the price is running near the lower track and may continue to fall in the short term.

  • MACD indicator: MACD line and signal line are below the zero axis, and the momentum column shows strong short-term momentum, suggesting that it may continue to fall in the short term.

  • RSI: RSI is below 30 and has entered the oversold range, indicating that there may be a need for a technical rebound in the short term.

3. Real-time data As of June 24, 2024, the BLUR price is $0.2060, the middle track of the Bollinger band is $0.25, the upper track is $0.30, and the lower track is $0.20.

4. Summary The 4-hour chart shows that BLUR is still under pressure in the short term. If the price continues to fall, it may test the support level of $0.20. If it can effectively break through the resistance of $0.25, it may usher in a short-term rebound, with a target of around $0.30.

1 hour chart analysis

On the 1-hour chart, the BLUR price is running between the middle and lower rails of the Bollinger Band, showing certain signs of rebound in the short term.

1. Price Trend BLUR shows signs of a short-term rebound on the 1-hour chart, but the overall trend remains bearish.

2. Technical indicators

  • Bollinger Band: The Bollinger Band shows a convergence trend, and the price runs between the middle and lower bands. It may fluctuate and consolidate in the short term.

  • MACD indicator: MACD line and signal line are below the zero axis, and the momentum column shows a certain rebound momentum, but the overall trend is still bearish.

  • RSI: RSI is around 40, showing a certain rebound demand, but the overall trend is still bearish.

3. Real-time data As of June 24, 2024, the BLUR price is $0.2060, the middle track of the Bollinger band is $0.21, the upper track is $0.22, and the lower track is $0.20.

4. Summary The 1-hour chart shows that BLUR may have a small rebound in the short term. If it can break through the resistance of $0.21, it may rise further to around $0.22. If it falls below the support of $0.20, it may continue to move downward to test lower support levels.

Subsequent trend forecast

Based on the analysis of the daily, 4-hour and 1-hour candlestick charts, BLUR is still bearish in its overall trend and may continue to move downward to test the key support level of $0.20 in the short term. If it can effectively break through the resistance level of $0.25, it may usher in a short-term rebound with a target of around $0.30. Brothers should pay close attention to the key support and resistance levels when operating, and set stop losses and target levels reasonably

Trading Advice

  1. Short-term strategy: If the price breaks through $0.21, it is recommended to go long in the short term, with the target at $0.22 and the stop loss at $0.20.

  2. Medium-term strategy: If the price pulls back to around $0.20, consider buying on dips, with the target at $0.25 and the stop loss at $0.19.

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