Liang Xi was prosecuted for selling his personal Weibo account, receiving money but not giving him his personal Weibo account. Liang Xi defrauded 10,000 yuan of oil and got a sewing machine that he had used for 2 years. In order to forgive him, he returned the 10,000 yuan of oil, but his sentence was only reduced by one month. Because Zhejiang Province cracks down on fraud, he will not be given a suspended sentence and will have to serve 2 years in prison.

Two years later, no one will remember Liang Xi, the internet celebrity in the cryptocurrency circle, just like no one remembers Cai Shu and Da Shi. Time is so cruel. Liang Xi is about to step on the sewing machine until it smokes. According to the speed at which the cryptocurrency market eliminates leeks, in less than two years, it is estimated that not many people will remember Liang Xi, the former top-tier and god-like genius trader. The market is too cruel. The life cycle of leeks generally does not exceed 6 months.


Liang Xi, the top of the currency circle, is a genius trader who made 30 million yuan a day with a few thousand yuan in the 519 market in 2021. Regarding this matter, my comment is that I am still too young and mistaken luck for my strength. In fact, the biggest difficulty for a person is to know himself. It is important for people to have self-knowledge. Investors who can clearly understand their strengths, strengths and weaknesses are rare in the currency circle. Most people fail and succeed in a muddle. If you are lucky, you can still save a lot of results after you get up. If you are unlucky, you will have no future after you get up. So it is better to be cautious in life, and reflect more on failures and successes. Try to keep a normal mentality and avoid arrogance and greed.

Liang Xi has brought countless joys and emoticons to friends in the cryptocurrency circle. Most of the top stars in the global investment community are just shooting stars, and there are not many who can remain popular forever.


The most classic example is Livermore, a genius trader who went bankrupt and rose again many times. He single-handedly took down Wall Street and made $100 million. At that time, the annual fiscal revenue of the United States was only about $4.2 billion.

Even before committing suicide, although he was bankrupt, he still had a family trust fund worth tens of millions, which could guarantee him a lifetime of food and clothing. So why did he commit suicide?

At 63, he was too old. His body was gradually becoming hunched, his mind was gradually becoming dull, and he could see the end of his life at a glance. There was no hope, so he decided to die. There were several key words in his suicide note: too bad, a loser, and not worthy of being loved.

For a real great man, his life is incomplete without going to jail. The sooner he goes to jail, the sooner he will realize greatness. Liang Xi will definitely go to jail this time. Fraud is a public prosecution case, and the prosecution will be carried out only after the facts and evidence have been investigated clearly. When Liang Xi heard that he was going to jail, he started his usual suicide tricks. Liang Xi had committed suicide many times, and he still used this little trick.


Liang Xi is currently heavily in debt. He borrowed money to fulfill contracts and has not paid it back. He masturbates in his rental house every day and begs for red envelopes to survive. He lives a life worse than a dog. In this situation, no one can save him.

Originally, Liang Xi was a top-ranked person in the cryptocurrency circle. He could do commissions and accept advertisements. He would never lack money in his life. But Liang Xi is even more stupid than a fool. He swore that he would never accept advertisements or commissions, and then he became a debtor with tens of millions of yuan. Not only did he not pay back the money, but he also spoke ill of his creditors. But now he accepts advertisements, including countless fraudulent advertisements, does commissions, and begs on the Internet every day. He has become a clown.

Predictive bought Liang Xi's Weibo account for thousands of dollars just to get rebates, and also encouraged investors to do contracts, making hundreds of thousands a month. Liang Xi now has to operate Predictive's Weibo account.


Liang Xi, this kid, has only done two things worthy of praise: using his remaining conscience to make donations and exposing the evil oil dealers in Anhui. Apart from that, Liang Xi has a long history of bad deeds, including gambling with debts, high-leverage gambling, foul language, and advertising fraudulent projects.

There are also rumors that Liang Xi did not go to jail because there were too many people chasing debts and there was no other way, so she forged a receipt and said she was in jail. She escaped in order to avoid debt. Even if she really went to jail, others would not know. People in the cryptocurrency circle should know that Liang Xi has a certificate issued by a formal mental hospital, and she can be acquitted of any serious crime without any panic.

Old fans who follow Liang Xi should all know that he had many opportunities to turn things around before, but as soon as he made a little profit, his creditors would withdraw his working capital. In the end, there was no hope for him to turn things around, and he ended up in jail.


I have always felt that life is not a good thing if it is too smooth. I have seen people who reach the peak at the beginning and those who become successful later in life. Those who survive safely in the cryptocurrency circle are often those who simply love trading. They are not only interested in making money but also in a life attitude. They encounter bumps and bruises along the way, constantly make mistakes, fall down and get up, and finally turn losses into profits.

Those who are in the cryptocurrency circle are all people with a bit of intelligence and courage, otherwise it would be impossible for them to come to this market to gamble. Those with low IQs would have been eliminated early. Most of us are ordinary people with normal IQs. The difference lies in who has strong execution, who has strong cognition, who has a good mentality, who can resist getting into debt, who can persist, and who can hold on to the end. It all depends on who can stay stable.


As a top investor in the cryptocurrency circle, Liang Xi has much richer life experience than most investors. He is also very interesting in his speech, which makes everyone very happy. When he makes money, he will think about giving red envelopes to everyone or donating it. He also makes remarks on the platform to protect the image of the motherland.

It's quite sad to see Liang Xi come to this point.