I heard today that some friends had their accounts liquidated...

I feel a little sad...

So I want to have a brief chat with you and learn from the lessons together...

1. In the crypto market, according to the data I know, in the long run, the proportion of profitable contract accounts is less than 1%.

Why do you think you will be one of the lucky ones who are less than 1%.

2. In the crypto market, when opening contracts, the biggest counterparty is essentially the exchange.

You are opening a blind box, and the exchange is opening the map and blasting at a fixed point.

3. Don't envy the long-term success probability of less than 1%. In addition to luck, they actually paid a lot of prices that outsiders can't open. This price and pressure are not something that ordinary people can bear.

Not to mention those who get rich by accidental contracts. Data shows that they are likely to pay it back.

Therefore, try not to touch contracts if you can avoid them. Slow is fast.

4. Since you are determined to be one of the lucky ones who are less than 1%. I believe you must have a reason to open a contract.

But just like the uncle in "Flowers" persuaded people to prepare an "escape route" when gambling with their lives.

Are you ready for your "escape route"?

The "escape route" must be isolated in terms of the nature of the assets (or business),

and psychologically (with a cooling-off period, so as not to get carried away when the situation collapses).

As an investor who has been working in the cryptocurrency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency circle but don't know where to start, you may wish to follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the cryptocurrency circle with me. Click on the avatar to find me

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