Boldly predict the market in the next two days:

1. There may be a big drop before the data is released at 20:30 tonight. It is understandable that large funds avoid risks!

2. There are three main data at 20:30, the number of unemployed, the first quarter GDP and the PCE price index. The Federal Reserve always cares about the inflation rate (PCE is closely related), but the most important thing is GDP. If GDP does not grow, interest rates will inevitably be cut. In other words, if GDP is acceptable, it is possible to hold on until next year. The market is likely to rise. This is a lure to buy more, don't be fooled. There will be a waterfall later to wipe out all the gains in the past few days.

3. The Federal Reserve's speech tomorrow night will definitely be hawkish again. There is a possibility of bloodshed. There is no construction without destruction!