Cryptocurrency venture capital firm Paradigm has launched its first production-ready Ethereum execution client developed in Rust, called Reth 1.0. The client will focus on providing a stable Ethereum mainnet node and strive to achieve high throughput performance in terms of remote procedure calls (RPC), synchronization and storage capacity.

Georgios Konstantopoulos, Chief Technology Officer at Paradigm said:

“After nearly two years of development and a successful audit by Sigma Prime, we have finally released Reth 1.0, the first ‘production-ready’ version of our extremely fast Ethereum execution client, which we invite RPC providers and stakers to run Reth.”

Releasing Reth 1.0 After almost two years of development and a successful audit by Sigma Prime, we are finally releasing Reth 1.0, the first “prod-ready” release of our blazing-fast Ethereum execution client. We invite RPC providers and stakers to run Reth.More below.

— Georgios Konstantopoulos (@gakonst) June 26, 2024

An execution client is a software application that connects to the Ethereum network and enforces network rules. Being production-ready client software means that Reth 1.0 is ready for developers or stakers to use in their production environments, processing Instant transactions and operations.

The team pointed out that currently Reth 1.0 can synchronize to the Ethereum mainnet in about 50 hours from creation and manage about 2.25TB of archive node storage with high transaction throughput and low latency, which may be the fastest among all client projects synchronization speed.

Performance-focused execution client

Execution clients play a vital role in processing transactions, executing smart contracts, and maintaining the state of the Ethereum network. Reth will complement existing Ethereum execution clients such as Geth, Nethermind, Besu and Erigon.

The introduction of new execution clients will help diversify the Ethereum client ecosystem. It is crucial for network users to rely on diverse client projects that provide full-featured node software and good connections to the network.

The future version of Reth 1.1 will focus on supporting OP Stack. Paradigm has invited industry players to use Reth in production and is providing early partners with priority support and customization capabilities. Paradigm just announced it has raised $850 million for its third fund, which will focus on early-stage crypto projects.


This article Paradigm Releases Production-Ready Ethereum Execution Client Reth 1.0 appeared first on Zombit.