🌞🌞Mnemonic Wisdom: Cryptocurrency Navigation🌞🌞

🔮Mnemonic Analysis

Continuous small rises are real rises: subtle changes in the market are often real signals.

Continuous large rises and quick exit: an overly enthusiastic market often foreshadows a correction.

Going crazy before a big drop: the madness of the market is often a precursor to a big drop.

Digging a pit before a big rise: the main force's washing method is often a big rise after digging a pit.

A sharp drop without volume is a threat: a sudden drop, if the trading volume is not large, may be a threat.

Slow drop and large volume, quickly withdraw: a continuous drop, if the trading volume increases, should be withdrawn in time.

Selling a lot when it rises sharply: a sprint at a high position is often a good time to sell.

Don't dig a deep pit and don't buy a lot: without a deep correction, it is not advisable to buy a lot.

Buy horizontally, buy pits, don't buy vertically: choose to buy after horizontal trading or digging pits to avoid chasing highs.

The selling point is at the peak of the market: the frenzy of the market is often the best time to sell.

Daily K Weekly K Bottom: The start of the bottom is the signal after the main force washes the market.

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