Market conditions under BTC price fluctuations: from doubt to carnival, and then to bubble warnings

When the price of Bitcoin was still hovering in the 20,000 range, many people were full of doubts, suspecting that this was a blockchain scam and did not believe that a real bull market would come.

When the price climbed to 30,000, people began to be alert, thinking that this was just a market-induced bullish behavior, and the next step must be the prelude to a plunge.

When the price further jumped to 40,000, some people thought that this was already the top of the mountain, and they predicted the upcoming "waterfall-like" decline.

When the price broke through the 50,000 mark, the pessimism in the market became more and more intense. People said that this was the last madness and a sign that the market was accelerating to the top. They were eager to escape from this seemingly uncontrollable carnival.

When the price continued to climb to 60,000, some people began to waver. They began to think about whether they should have a place in this bull market and whether they should lay some bottom positions.

When the price finally reached a high of 70,000, the market sentiment was completely boiling. People lamented the revolutionary changes brought about by blockchain and couldn't wait to join the carnival.

Retail investors said: "The blockchain revolution is really here, we have to get on board!"

At this time, the market diverged again, and when Bitcoin returned to 60,000 again, it was "the era of cryptocurrency is over, game over!"

#今日市场观点 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息? $LISTA $NOT $PEPE