Tomorrow is the settlement date for the second quarter of this year. The specific time is 4 pm tomorrow. There is no fixed day for quarterly settlement. It is on the last Friday of each quarter.

       Generally, the market for quarterly settlement will occur in advance. Looking back at the market before, it can be verified.

       The correction throughout June can be regarded as the market for this quarterly settlement, but the way it is expressed is different.

       Quarterly settlement is sometimes a sharp drop, sometimes a slow drop, and the speed of the market at different times is different.

       Bear market and bull market are different. This quarterly settlement is relatively mild.

       Bitcoin has once again reached around 60,000 US dollars. It seems that it may fall below 60,000 at any time. Recently, what I hear most is that Bitcoin is making a double top.

       The pattern will appear anywhere, but it requires professionalism to know where it appears to be effective.

       One of the most important characteristics of the top pattern is the decline and volume, and there will be many variables before the pattern is completed.

Another point is that you think it is a double top, but have you ever thought that this is the deliberate action of the main force?

       The weekly line belongs to the large level. The condition for the top to appear at the large level is the end of the trend, but the current trend has not ended, so the probability that this position is the top is very small. From the perspective of the bull-bear cycle, it is still in a bull market.

       All conditions are not met, so this position is not a top, but just a volatile market.

       Whether in a bull market or a bear market, the main force will use a wave of market conditions to teach those technical schools who cannot identify trends.

       No matter what the main force's means are, the purpose is to let retail investors sell their chips before the rise.

       At present, the trend of Bitcoin is still fluctuating between 60,000 and 73,000. Although it fell briefly, it quickly closed up, which shows that the support level below 60,000 is very strong.

       The quarterly delivery market has ended ahead of schedule, and the next step is to wait for the cottage market to come.

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