Opinions and suggestions on the Crypto bull market

First of all, I want to emphasize that the judgment of the Crypto market needs to be based on rational analysis rather than emotional rhetoric. If you think the current Crypto bull market is over and intend to sell your holdings, then this is a personal decision of yours and I respect your choice.

However, I would like to remind you that the market is always full of uncertainty and volatility. This is especially true in the field of Crypto. Sometimes, short-term market fluctuations may lead people to make wrong judgments. I suggest that you do sufficient research and consideration before making any decision.

Regarding the prediction that "altcoins will be parabolic from the third quarter to the fourth quarter" you mentioned, I must point out that any prediction about market trends is subject to certain risks. Although some people may have made such predictions based on historical data and current trends, the market is always full of variables. Therefore, I suggest that you do not rely entirely on such predictions to make your investment decisions.

As for your suggestion that I unfollow you and delete my account, I think this is an extreme suggestion. I believe that everyone has their own opinions and judgments, and we can communicate and discuss on the basis of respecting each other. If you think my views are different from yours, you can choose not to follow me or have a friendly debate with me, but deleting the account is not a good way to solve the problem.

Finally, I want to say that investment is a behavior with both risks and opportunities. In the field of Crypto, it is especially necessary to be cautious. I hope you can make wise investment decisions based on your actual situation and risk tolerance.

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