The curse of "poor in May and desperate in June" is hard to break. Which month is the golden period for cryptocurrency trading?

"Poor in May, desperate in June, and unpredictable in July", I always choose to wait and see in May, June, July and August every year. So, when is the best time to enter the cryptocurrency market?

1. Wait for the opportunity at the end of September and stop in time at the end of November.

2. Enter the market on the eve of the Spring Festival and stop when you see the profit in early April.

3. Adhere to the above two trading rules. Of course, the situation of some small-cap currencies being manipulated by big players should be another matter.

4. The exchange rate of the US dollar against the RMB continues to rise, and the RMB is still weak relative to the US dollar. International capital seems to be directing global funds to the US stock market.

5. In the cryptocurrency circle, those who can make profits through quantitative trading and leverage operations are limited to a few elites who are proficient in currency selection and band operations.

6. For most ordinary investors, they often struggle in the volatility of the market. Once the market rebounds (doubling of returns is enough), they may consider changing positions, looking for new investment targets for swing trading, and adhering to the strategy of fast in and fast out. This is just my personal opinion.

Choosing coins is my strong point, making money is just a by-product, and the password is announced in the circle. Follow me, nod, look at the information, communicate together, and get the password for free.

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