The event that determines the future of the cryptocurrency world!

A must-see event!

It will affect your capital gains and losses in the next few days!

The US presidential debate will start at 9 am tomorrow morning, which will determine whether the future US president supports cryptocurrency. Biden will definitely define cryptocurrency as a security when he takes office. If this happens, cryptocurrency will be completely controlled by the government like securities trading, and market liquidity will directly enter a state of destruction. On the contrary, Trump's coming to power will inevitably allow more newcomers to enter the market, confirm the legitimacy of cryptocurrency, and the market will usher in explosive growth.

In this election, Donald Trump will be the best opportunity for the future of cryptocurrency, free from the existential threat posed by the US government. This is the only choice for crypto voters.

President Biden's government has been openly hostile to technology, especially cryptocurrency, so tomorrow's debate will determine who will be the president in November!

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