#TON $TON TON market quick overview

The 1-hour level shows that the short side is dominant, but the 2- to 4-hour level tends to be bullish. We should especially focus on the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, which is the key point of 7.5570.

The support levels below show a stable trend, located in the three areas of 7.4890, 7.4292 and 7.3669, all showing solid support.

The pressure above is mainly concentrated at the three levels of 7.6286, 7.6810 and 7.7283, forming a significant resistance area.

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Please note that there are always risks in the investment world, so it is important to carefully evaluate before making any investment decisions.

If you need to pay attention to the signal points below, live broadcast the real offer and order every day, pay attention to the changes of the signal points in real time, and novices can also master the password of wealth. #Toncoin #TONCOİN #TON #TON生态