Can I get on board at the current price of BTC? #BTC走勢分析 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息? #美国PCE数据将公布

The BTC that was reminded on June 15 has fallen below the rising trend line, and the moving average is about to form a death valley. It is also judged that the price of BTC at that time was at risk of a sharp drop. Now looking back, it is indeed the case. This is the foresight in trading. At the same time, Figure 3 also reminds the important support level below $58292. After falling to $58218 on June 25, it quickly rebounded. Even if you make a limit order, you will quickly get a good wave of returns. This is also the first long reinforcement strategy at an important support level. Then the question is, for all the unfriendly news in the current market, can BTC get on board at the current price of $60700?

Stable right side strategy: long orders at 62500, long orders at 63300

Left side trading strategy: long orders can be taken in succession in the current price range of 60700-59300 (BTC has been falling slowly from the high point of 72000 since this wave, and it has been falling slowly from 6.7 to 6.23, and it has been falling rapidly after 4 am on 6.24, which can also be judged as a stage bottom number.)

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