The market is still sluggish recently, with constant negative news. This time node is very patient. Many people have begun to doubt that the bull market is gone. Many people are worried that they will need 4 years to get out of the trap. Many people regret not escaping the top in March. The more anxious the market is, the more the dealer wants to get rid of the impatient people. The dealer is also cooperating with the recent negative news to smash the market and create panic.

The extension of the Fed's expected interest rate cut does have a great impact on the market, but the extension does not mean no interest rate cut. The liquidity of the market will come back sooner or later, and the subsequent market environment will also change accordingly. After enduring this period, the 25-year bull market will be very wow. Remember, opportunities are only for those who are prepared. If you see the current environment clearly, you will not be so anxious if you think about it the other way around.